1. With this sanitizer I thee wed
2. You may now kiss your masked bride
3. I will Social distancing AFTER we get married
4. You may now vaccine your wife.
5. Till death do us part as long as you stand six feet apart
6. I promise to not work from home till death does us part
7. I now pronounce you sheltered for life.
8. With your mask on, You may now kiss
9. To have and to hold each other's gloves
10. I promise to honor and obey the government on social Distancing till they take one of us away due to Covid 19
11. I promise to zoom more
12. With this sanitizer, I thee Wed
13. Is there any reason why these two shall not be quarantined together??
14. Now you have blow a kiss away from each other face
15. Who gives this virus away?
16. I promise not to zoom zoom zoom with another women
17. In COVID and in health
18. You may now kiss the bride through your mask.
19. I promise not to cough in your general direction
20. We are spread out here today to witness the union of....
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